Follow the criteria of the minister of health, take care of your elderly in their houses
We take care of it
Follow the criteria of the minister of health, take care of your elderly in their houses
We take care of it
Get quick information about our help for seniors.
Specialized assistants in elderly home care.
Previous information
- Cough (dry)
- Fever
- Dyspnea (feeling short of breath)
In some cases there may also be:
- Digestive symptoms (diarrhea, abdominal pain, etc)
These are usually mild symptoms, but in more serious cases, the infection may cause:
- Pneumonia
- Significant dyspnea (serious breathing difficulties).
- Kidney failure
- Death
Until now, the most serious cases have been in the elderly. advanced or suffering from chronic pathologies (heart disease, lung, or immune system).
Precisely chronic pathologies (heart disease, lung disease, or of the immune system).
Precisely for this reason, we believe it advisable from the nursing department of the Cruz Azul, communicate this writing, to help identify signs and symptoms and prevent spread of the coronavirus (covid-19).
How is it transmitted?
The route of contagion is the “droplets”, that is, it is transmitted by close contact with secretions respiratory generated during a person’s coughing and/or sneezing sick. They would infect another person upon coming into contact with her nose, eyes or mouth. This risk is reduced at distances greater than 1-2 meters.
Protection measures
- Hand hygiene frequent washing with soap and water or solutions alcoholic, especially after direct contact with surfaces for public use and/or potentially sick people.
- Cover your mouth with a flexed elbowevery time you sneeze or cough.
- Use disposable tissues and throw them away after use.
- If they have respiratory symptoms, avoid close contact with other people (keeping a distance of approximately 1 meter) In the case of elderly people, this distance will be maintained ALWAYS, to avoid unnecessary risks of contagion.
- Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth, as hands facilitate transmission.
- Avoid receiving visits at the homes of people included in risk groups.
- Avoid going to health centers if it is not absolutely necessary. And if you feel symptoms, call 112 or the urgent health care telephone number in your community, so that health care personnel can come to your home.
- Avoid eating raw products and if we do, wash them very well for at least 15 seconds and eat them more than 7 hours after buying them (since the virus does not survive more than 7 hours outdoors).
- Try to eat foods high in vitamin C (broccoli, pineapple, orange, etc) to strengthen the immune system.
- Try to buy packaged products that have not been handled by people (for example, the loaf of bread that the baker touches with his hand, replace it with a packet of packaged sliced bread).
- In the event of receiving visitors in the homes of persons considered to be at high risk of contagion, household linen that has been in contact with these visitors should be washed.
- Avoid touching cash, preferably use personal cards, previously disinfected and for individual use only.
- When a visitor comes to the home of a person considered to be at high risk of contagion (elderly person, for example), hands should be washed at the door with a hydroalcoholic solution.
- Do not use phones, smartphones, tablets, PCs, etc. that are not your own and have not been previously disinfected.
- Avoid leaving home for a period of approximately 15 days if not absolutely necessary, to avoid contact with other people.
- If elderly people leave the home, they should wear a mask and use the maximum possible protection (alcoholic solutions, disposable tissues, their own support point, such as a cane, so that they do not have to lean on certain public surfaces, etc.).
- Avoid crowded places (Fallas, Holy Week processions, sporting events, concerts, etc.) to minimize the risk of contagion.
- Do not touch stray animals and keep domestic animals indoors.
- Avoid greeting people with kisses, handshakes or any type of greeting that involves physical contact.
- Do not touch objects in public use, e.g., handrails, door handles, utility taps, etc. And if touched, wash hands immediately with soap and water or hydroalcoholic solutions.
- The coronavirus is not resistant to temperatures above 26, 27 degrees, therefore, drink hot water as an infusion and try to expose yourself to the sun.
- Gargling with oral betadine is recommended to kill or minimize germs while they are still in the throat, before they reach the lungs.
From the nursing department of La Cruz Azul, we want to transmit to you, above all, calm, common sense should prevail without alarm, all these are PREVENTION measures to prevent the disease from spreading. If everyone follows the recommendations, the risk will decrease completely.
Remember that the only thing that drives us is the desire to protect the most vulnerable.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Why are we the alternative to nursing homes?
La Cruz Azul
A residence
Steps we follow
You make the information request by which we ask you for some information, such as name, email, telephone, desired hours and pathologies of the patient as well as the information you need.
Our specialized staff will contact you to explain our services and functionalities, as well as to deal with your situation in the most personalized way possible.
Our specialized staff will carry out a study of your case and will send you the rates we apply.
We send you highly qualified personnel to meet your needs based on the study carried out beforehand.
Our liability insurance covers up to 1 million euros.
These are the reasons why you should choose us to take care of your family members

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